Monday-Friday 8AM-7PM. Saturday 8AM-6PM.

International Baccalaureate Preparation in Saïgon

The first lesson at l’Atelier is free!

Prepare International Baccalaureate Exam in Ho Chi Minh City

The International Baccalaureate is a program created in 1968 to meet the growing demand for a high school diploma that is recognized around the globe. Today,universities worldwide integrate more and more IB students in their curriculum (find the full list here).

The increasingly successful, and Geneva-based non-profit foundation IBO, is now collaborating with nearly 4000 schools in over 125 countries, and is well established in Saigon, as many schools of the Vietnamese city offer their students to pass the exams of the International Baccalaureate, such as: The American International School, the Australian International School, the British International School, the Canadian International School, the European International School, ISHCMC, the Saigon South International School or the Renaissance International School.

The IB curriculum is based on the study of six school subjects groups :

  • Studies in Language and Litterature
  • Language Acquisition
  • Individuals and Societies
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Arts

Within these six study groups, each student chooses 1-2 subjects from a wide range, allowing everyone to have a global learning of essential subjects while specializing on particular topics.

At l’Atelier, the exams more specifically prepared in Vietnam by English and French-speaking students are the following :

  • Language A : Literature (Self-Taught) : Introduction to literary criticism and analysis in French, for advanced or native students, where they are evaluated on written productions such as Essays, and on Oral Commentaries. 
  • Language A : Language and Literature (Self-Taught) : As for the above mentioned exam, this one is aimed at students speaking French fluently, with the difference that the variety of texts seen here is more diverse, since it does not only concern Literature, but all kinds of content.
  • Language B : French : This course is designed for middle school students who already have a first experience in French.
  • Ab Initio : French : This course is aimed at beginners, knowing little-to-no French.

Did you know ?

L’Atelier offers his IB students to come directly to their schools in the District 2 of Ho Chi Minh City ! To this day, the teachers of l’Atelier are working at the ISHCMC and AIS.

Why Choose our International Baccalaureate Preparation

International Baccalaureate 1

Small Groups
(Max. 5)

International Baccalaureate 2


International Baccalaureate 3

Course open to
all ages & levels

International Baccalaureate 4

Friendly Environment in Thao Dien

International Baccalaureate 5

1st lesson

International Baccalaureate Preparation Lesson Prices

in Groups of 5

VND 330,000

Private Tutoring

VND 750,000

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do classes last?

The minimal session duration is a full hour. You can however go for more!

How to learn more about my teachers?

Nothing more simple ! Read the web page dedicated to our teachers to discover their profiles. 

What are the different DELF diplomas?

There are several levels of DELF :

  • DELF « Prim » : Aimed at children, it validates the skills acquired in primary school by pupils ranging from 7-8 years to 12 years. The DELF Prim is available in 3 examinations, corresponding to A1.1, A1 and A2 levels.
  • DELF « Junior/ Scolaire » : Designed for high school students, DELF Junior is similar to the “All Public” version, but with differences in the topics addressed, taking into account the centers of interest of teenagers.
  • DELF et le DALF « All Publics » : Destined to adults wishing to develop their French skills for personal or professional purposes.
  • DELF « Pro » : Divided in 4 levels (A1, A2, B1, and B2), DELF PRO focuses on communication in work environments of all sectors.

For each level, 4 skills are evaluated: listening, speaking, writing and written comprehension.